APR/IEEE Winter School on Biometrics 2025 will be held in Shenzhen from 12 to 16 January 2025. The theme this year will be Generative AI and Foundation Models for Biometrics. The school will include lectures, hands-on sessions, talks from industry and a social program.
The lectures will be given by: Rama Chellappa (JHU), Shouhong Ding (Tencent), Matteo Ferrara (Univ. of Bologna), Josef Kittler (Surrey), Ajay Kumar (HK PolyU), Xiaoming Liu (MSU), Chen Change Loy (NTU), Sébastien Marcel (Idiap), Karthik Nandakumar (MBUZAI), Mark Nixon (Soton), Vishal Patel (JHU), Norman Poh (Malta), Arun Ross (MSU), Zhenan Sun (CASIA), Tieniu Tan (NJU), P C Yuen (HKBU), and Kaiyang Zhou (HKBU).
The event is mainly for young researchers and PhD students. IAPR and IEEE will provide up to 1000 USD per person as student travel grants. The deadline for the travel grant application 15th November 2024.
More details can be found at https://www.comp.hkbu.edu.hk/wsb2025/. For any inquiries, please contact Ms. Christy Chan at <wsb2025@comp.hkbu.edu.hk>.